Airtel Internet Connection unattended not working last 2 weeks - India Consumer Forum

Airtel Internet Connection unattended not working last 2 weeks

My Airtel Mobile nos for Internet connection is unattended since last 2 weeks despite several reminder. When enquired about refund of non service period they say keep paying bills inspite of no internet services. When I have already made the payment for which I am not given internet services ,this behaviour of Airtel is a serious matter and is highly unacceptable. I therefore request you to kindly attend to this complaint immediately and refund for period of non services of internet connection also be refunded.

Mumbai 400060, Maharashtra


    • Anoop kumar on 28/12/2020 at 1:14 pm

    I am the resident of village Chohala of teh. R.S. pura Distt. Jammu ..last two weaks the BTS ( mobile tower) badly working in our area it is depend on electricity not any backup source of electricity …when light comes on or off the mobile tower fluctuate networks sometimes emergency show on mobile ….please solve our problems as early as possible

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