akash_kc | India Consumer Forum

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  1. Complaint regarding Motorola headphone service — 1 comments

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Complaint regarding Philips earphone servicing

one of my philips earphone SHE1405BK/94 got damaged in warranty period so i got it to philips service center present in Bhopal named (SUNIL DISTRIBUTOR,GROUND FLOOR MP NAGAR ZONE 1MADHYA PRADESH 462011) on 20-nov-2018, with JOB No.-3004561/02264.  that time the service center person told that you will get your earphone in last of december and …

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Complaint regarding Motorola headphone service

I have bought Motorola headphone Pulse 2 from flipkart on 14-jan-2018, and it is having one year warranty , and from some days the headphone is not working properly so for this concern I have firstly concern query to flipkart care they told me to take Motorola care help so I talked with Motorola service …

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