anchit_ag | India Consumer Forum

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  1. Complaint for Videocon d2h remote not received — 5 comments

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Complaint for Videocon d2h remote not received

I lodged a complaint for d2h remote requirement on 8 Aug 2019 and they promised that I will got the remote within 24 hours but I haven’t received the remote within 24 hours. but I received call from engineer is that he will provide remote by eod 6 pm. but he not come and not …

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Exchange mobile not picked up by PayTM and no cashback provided

I buy the vivo y81 mobile from paytem mall. Mobile was with offer exchange. I buy the mobile and paid 11999 rupees to paytm and they set that 1199 cashback and 4150 rupees for old mobile exhange. They have deliverd the mobile on 17 oct 2018 and said they will pick old mobile in 48 …

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