deelip_pr | India Consumer Forum

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Complaint regarding non-delivery by the shoes kart

Non receipt of Shoes from The Shoes Kart. Value: Rs 798/- Dear sir/madam, I had paid Rs 798/- through credit card towards purchase of shoes from The Shoes Kart on 2nd June 2021. However the material has not been received as yet. The seller is not responding to the mails and contact number is not …

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Non receipt of material and refund from

I had registered myself using my yahoo id on and paid Rs 667/- through UPI towards purchase on vegetables and fruits. However much to my surprise and inconvenience, no receipt of the money paid was received. I subsequently raised a complaint on the zopnow’s portal regarding the issue. Yet no formal answer was received …

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Non delivery of goods by

I had ordered a mobile on the online portal  on 10th June through credit card payment. However I haven’t received the item nor its status as yet. My mails including a request for cancellation are not being answered.  Phone calls to the customer service too are either disconnected or not answered.  A recorded message …

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