manish_shaw18 | India Consumer Forum

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Reversal if POS decline charges by SBI

I have a SBI saving bank account number 33xxxxxxxxx3 at Ichapur Store Bazar Branch, Branch code – 01797. On 12.01.2018 my account balance was Rs 2574.69 and I purchased some grocery of Rs 1708 from CSD Canteen Fort William Kolkata. I tried to make the payment through debit card but due to some reason my …

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Complaint regarding deduction by Investment Intermedi

Unauthorised/Wrong deduction from my Bank account. Value: 117 An amount of Rs 117 has been deducted from my SBI saving bank account number 33xxxxxxx3, Ichapur Store Bazar Branch, Branch code- 01797 towards Investment intermedi without my knowledge and permission on 25.04.2018. I have checked my bank statement for the same transaction, there it shows “To …

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