vandana_ra | India Consumer Forum

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  1. Exorbitant bill from Mahanagar Gas Limited — 1 comments

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Exorbitant bill from Mahanagar Gas Limited

I am writing to you regarding MGL bill sent to my parent, under whose name it is registered. She has received a bill of Rs. 42,000+ (Forty Two thousand & plus), inspite of paying the bills regularly. The bill dated Aug 8, 2017. We called their customer service and a lady named Pxxxxa answered to …

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HDFC sends bill despite not owning a card

I received an email from HDFC bank customer service from an email id of Axxxxn Kxxxxxe and the name provided in the emaol was Sxxxxxr Dxxxxxxxe on June 7, 2017 asking for a payment of INR 15,128. The thing is I don’t own any HDFC card. The only card I had which was returned to …

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