Bisleri brand 20 liter packaged water refill scam

Bisleri brand 20 liter packaged water refill scam

Seems to be some nexus between the Bisleri brand Bottling plant in Mumbai and the retailers.

I have been using the 20 liter Refill for the dispenser at my home since past many years. I used to order for the refills directly through the designated agents as recommended by Bisleri at Mumbai. They would deliberately delay the delivery thus, forcing me to buy from the local retailer/store (uncanny these stores stock from the agents as mentioned) in my vicinity who would charge Rs. 20-30 extra citing delivery charges etc. As water being a human necessity how could there be so much disparity in prices. Is there no ethical standard or the manufacturer / bottling plant is part of this whole racket/scam? In the past Bisleri International was contacted but the response was very cold.

PS. the refill supplied by the agents cost Rs.70- 80/ per 20 liter. Whereas as the same from the store cost Rs.100/- -110/-

It would be a great service to the general public if this practice could be curbed immediately, Much obliged to the forum. Thanks

Mumbai 400097, Maharashtra

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