Bizworkmaster work from home Co not returning money - India Consumer Forum

Bizworkmaster work from home Co not returning money

Sir, today (09/10/2020) I got a message from BIZWORKMASTER that u r short listed for part time job work from home. Then I contact with them and they told me to pay 1500 rupees for security purpose. After sending of 5 min I saw their fraud scan and then I told the madam that plz back my money. Then she not replying to me till one hour. After that she to me that u sent the money to the company account not no me. So how can I give back ur money. And also I told her that u have to talk to the HR and plz return my mont. But no reply was come from them plz me sir. I transfer the money through google pay from my no 7xxxxxxxx2.plz help me sir.

Basirhat 743445, West Bengal


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    • Rajesh on 30/10/2020 at 2:54 am

    Sir, I too receive message from BIZWORKMASTER regards work at home after uploading my profile in NAUKRI.
    When i reach out them in the given number from the message, a lady picked my call (RITA) and she ask me to wats app ‘Hi’ to get the plan details post discussion she asked me to deposit 1500 security deposit. I already had experience in captcha work based on the previous organization trust i paid the requested amount for the project on 09-12-2020 after that i get email from BIZWORKMASTER stating to share any proof of me (AADHAR,VOTERID,PANCARD,PASSPORT,LICENSCE) i sent them my licensce and pancard copy after that i havent get any updated from them still i havent get my work and i didnt get my proofs and money. Whenever i call to the same number the person is not answering my call. I have the chat email and payment proofs.

    Please advise how do i take action against them.

    • rama krishna on 01/12/2020 at 5:51 pm

    sir yesterday i paid 1000 rupees to your company and after that no reply was coming from that number fraud was occured what ahould i have to do plz help me sir

    • Sima on 09/12/2020 at 1:34 pm

    I paid you guys yesterday , what rubbish stuff is going on they are making chutiya to us . wework2work and bizhomemaster are same companies.

    • rahul on 14/03/2021 at 9:04 pm

    There main company is Supereme Microtec Private Limited and this company is doing all such scam.

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