Builder asking me to pay extra payment than flat cost - India Consumer Forum

Builder asking me to pay extra payment than flat cost

I purchased Flat-K111 from Amarprakash builders chennai on 2013 (October). While purchasing the flat marketing excecutive (Rxxxh) promised me various things like loan from bank he will arrange and flat will handover within 1 year. Because i am not in position to buy flat financially as single earner of my family. Then after various promise i kept my wife jewel and taking personal loan paid of Rs.147,000 as down payment. please note they did not shown me the agreement details. After that i approach bankers for Home loan of Rs.15,00000 with lot of struggle they aggreed to sanction the loan. Then in 2014 Amarprakash buliders not handover the flat and asked for somemore time to complete my house like that they taken the construction Till-2016 (MARCH) giving various reason like hike in cement price and other materials of houshold. Due to this late construction bank delay to release the payment to builders .In 2016 (April) after paying all the cost of flat when i approach Amarprakash builders Asst.Manager Axxl he is showing me the statement of Rs.6,13000 to pay as Late payment penalty fine. please note about this late payment details they never communicated before only send mail. late payment will charge 22% of interest. Now when i am asking to give the key for my house they are asking me to pay the late payment charges. i Submitted all the document related to my loan and other finance position details directly to the office. But still last 7 months no update . Where now i am in very bad suituation paying the Home loan EMI..Rs.16000 and Rent around 15000 in chennai even i thought to go for Suicide also due to stress .

Murugan chelliah
New Bethaniya Nagar, CHENNAI 600087, Tamil Nadu

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