Cheating on telegram channel for Netflix subscription

Cheating on telegram channel for Netflix subscription

Money fraud.Value: 80/-There’s this guy on telegram by the name @aryanpro.
HD Movies channel promotes him. He claims to give Netflix login for a month in only ? 80/- . Once the payment is done he blocks and gets away by any kind of messages or anything like that.

Karan Varade
Nashik 422013, Maharashtra


    • GUPTA on 22/03/2022 at 9:14 am

    Same happend with me, bought netflix at 80? for a 28 days guarantee after paying he blocked and changed the password. Now i no longer have any access to netflix account either and money is ripped. *I also had escrow.
    Telegram : Lawliet XD
    Escrow : Hackerboi XD

    • Shriyansh on 18/02/2023 at 5:40 pm

    @AccountsDesk he’s scame, I have paid 290 but he blocked and not replied after payment.

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