Complaint about online data entry job from icon Solution

Complaint about online data entry job from icon Solution

1 week ago, I applied for an online job in website for various job. After a day, I received a call from a woman, and she said, she is from icon solution company and can provide a job for me and said, if i can work on it to submit the 700 forms in one week, then I can receive the payment of RS 14000 if I can’t complete the job, they can’t give me any amount, she also said, Enter the OTP in your mail (which will be receive through Phone number) and receive the form, when I entered the OTP there was the agreement, I don’t know from where it came, then I think it is Fraud i stopped work. Now the email me, and told send the money of Rs4700, and said, if i will not send then they fill a complaint against me.

Mulchiter 182205, Jammu & Kashmir


    • Ayush Singh on 09/03/2021 at 4:45 pm

    I apply for a job in then a message came from data secure system company jaipur and they offer me a job of data entry in which they give 15900 rupees after completing 620 form.AFter that one day my ID is block they said you have to give 4500 rupees to start again your work whether you have to go court.THat time I leave the job and block the number. Please help for this

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