Complaint regarding Bharat Data Base data entry job - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Bharat Data Base data entry job

I was looking for a part-time job when this person contacted me in regards to a daata entry job where i had to fill-in 800 form’s in 7 day’s and will be paid rs 25/page . I asked him if there was any kind of registration fee or something to which he denied and said there isnt a registration fee but if you dont submit 800 form’s with an accuracy of 90% you wont be paid anything. He sent me an agreement and after i acknowledge they created a user id for me and i started working.

Over the period of next 7 day’s i daily recived a call from that man asking how much work was completed. Once i completed the work i sent him the screenshot and he told me that i would receive my money by 12 on 9th.
On 9th around 11:40 i got an email stating that i got 689 pages correct and which was less then 90% but it was still mentioned that i would get a rs 17225 for 689s pages that were correct and i contacted him to know if i would get something or not but he didnt replied to any of my texts and calls then i contacted one of my friend’s to contact him and he picked my friends call and saidd that i’ll get my money within a couple of hour’s .

At 5 PM the same day i recieved a call from a lady that said that since the accuracy wasnt 90% so there will be a penalty of 5K which i wasnt made aware about in the start. She said igf i paid 5K , ill get my 17 k within next 30 minutes. So i went ahead and asked my father to send 5 k so that i can send her the money. Once i sent her the money there wasnt any response from them no matter how much cals and text i did to them.

I just want my complete money back!!

Nisha Mangal
Dwarka, New delhi 110078


    • nidhi on 21/01/2020 at 10:38 pm

    when did this happen to you……same thing has happened with me today……i don’t understand what should i do …plz contact me if possible

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