Complaint regarding Captcha job offers from HS Enterprises - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Captcha job offers from HS Enterprises

I am cheated by HS ENTERPRISES in the name of Captcha Jobs, they told me that registration fees RS.6900 will be deducted from your first salary and if you didn’t liked the work you can leave the job withount paying any single penny. I was contacting them through consistent calls and mails they are just saying me to wait and saying that I will get a call in 24 hours It has been a long time but no calls. Now they are calling and threatening me to pay money with penalty Rs. 18000-20000 and if I didn’t pay they will file a court case and then i have to pay Rs.200000-300000 and also I have to go
to jail.

please help me please save me

New Delhi 110062,

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