Complaint regarding cash deposit through SBI CDM Machine - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding cash deposit through SBI CDM Machine

Cash deposit by SBI CDM machine but not creadit into my account and also not refund to me. I have an account in SBI Mahroli Market branch. I have deposited 50,000 on 31 July 2018 and on 03 Aug 2018 at Mahroli Market brach but due to CDM machine connectivity, my cash got stuck in SBi CDM but when I informed in the Mahroli Market branch, they said that there is no such transaction in the report. Please help me to short out my problem ASAp. Find the details related to my account.

Let me know if you have any query.

New Delhi


    • Nandkumar Shriniwasrao Pokalwar on 13/04/2023 at 7:03 pm

    Dear sir,
    SBI CDM Machines in Latur city is not working, there are 3 machines, but not a single is in working condition,

    • Gokul on 30/01/2024 at 6:10 pm

    While using CDM Machine of SBI my account number entered wrong and money sended to wrong person, how can I get my money back

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