Complaint regarding Daikin AC servicing under AMC - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Daikin AC servicing under AMC

My Dad built his dream house 3 years back and choose to use Daikin AC’s. Supposed to be known world wide and marketed as India’s number one AC brand. This is complete bullshit. We have had an Annual Maintenance Contract for 2 years and have still had the worst experience using these AC’s. Recently we faced the worst of all issues. This was when a machine’s compressor was found faulty. 3 groups of service staff visited our residence after the complain was filled on the 11th of June. All of them stating that the compressor needs to be changed. Today is the 4th of July and still there has been no progress. Cant blame the AMC agent as they say they don’t have supply of compressors all over India. What I don’t understand is – How a AC company can operate in a country without having spare compressors.

Ishaan Bhutoria
Alipore Avenue, Kolkata 700027, West Bengal


    • Daikin on 05/07/2018 at 2:58 pm

    Dear Ishaan Bhutoria,

    We sincerely regret the inconvenience you have faced. Please share your complaint/contact number and dealer’s name so that we can escalate your issue to our team. You may also email us at for any further queries.

    Daikin Team
    Customer Support
    Mail ID:
    Or SMS : / Give missed call on : 92 101 88 999

    • Daikin on 16/07/2018 at 2:25 pm

    Dear Ishaan Bhutoria,

    We hope your issue has been resolved now. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

    Daikin Team
    Customer Support
    Mail ID:
    Or SMS : / Give missed call on : 92 101 88 999

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