Complaint regarding Data entry job - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Data entry job

I have received a text message for the data entry position from the company named “DATA NUETECH SOLUTIONS”, so I have visited the place which is situated at Madhapur. They have lured me with their offers and I have accepted the job and paid them Rs8,000 through my Credit Card(I have attached the email of transaction). When I have approached them in the middle of their project that I shall not complete the data with their conditions. The conditions say that, I cannot make more than 24 mistakes (either spelling mistakes or extra spaces) out of 300 pages data which consists more than 2,22,000 words. I experienced that it was impossible to complete with this kind of accuracy. When I approached them for refund they denied it based on the agreement which was made before registration. I have been unemployed since November-2017 and I am facing financial problems, if this refund comes then I would be thankful to you.
Sir, please take necessary action against them. So that no other Indian would face the same situation like me.

Warasiguda, Hyderabad 500061, Telangana

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