Complaint regarding data entry job fraud

Complaint regarding data entry job fraud

A company named MacroEpub , with 17 days 20000/= is making fool of jobless candidates. I joined the company as per the details in website. I send my address for the work and paid postal fees of Rs 500/- . They send me a cd but unable to open as they told will give in two working days. Now i am looking for the access code and 1 month passed. neither any access code nor any reply or phone call,.
Its . tragic and henious to cheat jobless candidates in this pandamic.  When will this type of culprit get penalised  from the Law of Justice. When this world and candidates have good faith. When this looting will stop. Alas i pray to god let the innocent be prevented from , hence i request an action at the soonest.

Ernakulam 683513, Kerala

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