Complaint regarding defective shoes from Instagram seller - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding defective shoes from Instagram seller

Instagram seller Branded shoea outlet cheated. Value: 2999. I have ordered one replica shoes of nike air max from the instagram page “Branded shoes Outlet”. The name of bank aacount is Pxxxxa Bxxxxxxl. I got the defected shoes. I requested for the replacement. The seller first said it is not possible and this happens with some shoes. I told him i paid 2999 and you gave me defected shoes. He was ignoring after alot of attempt he said to replace but never gave me address. When i call he dis not reply at all. Finally messaged when i say why are you ignoring so he said i am not sending you anything.

I have sent the money via bank transfer through app. I have all conversations and payment details. I have added the defected shoes pic. Please help.

Gourav Verma
Bangalore 560043, Karnataka

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