Complaint regarding electricity bill from MPEB - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding electricity bill from MPEB

Hello, i have a retail toy store which has an electricity connection. Our electricity meter was not working in the period starting from April 2018 to September 2019, we were handed an average bill of 873/- for the same period which we always paid on time. Now recently MPEB got our meter changed, they covered up for the period by giving us a bill of 8233/- and they also handed us a challan of 31096/-. The average bill for the period before the meter switched off was around 1026/-. We have paid the bill of 8233/- as well and we are okay in paying the difference amount of the average bills when the meter was off and when it was on. But this electricity bill of 8233/- and the challan given to us is completely irrelevant. I request the consumer forum to please help me with the case. We have a toy store, the market is slow and we are facing troubles in business. Paying such a high challan for someone else’s mistake is really difficult for us.

Krishna Chimnani
Indore 452001, Madhya Pradesh

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