Complaint regarding fake form filling jobs - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding fake form filling jobs

A Company from surat Gujrat gave data entry job they gave the work which they said no registration fee required . and they gave me work of 700 form for 7 days and they told me that if you complete this work with 95% accuracy then we will give you 17500 money. but if you don’t complete this work within 7 days then you have to pay 4800 rupee to the comanay. and after they gave me user id and password. but due to necessary work at home. the work did not happen in 7 days . and a call came to me and he was telling me himself the advocate and saying that you have not completed the company’s work on time.

Because of this, the company has made a case over you .and fake advocate demanding money to me and saying if you will not pay 8823 to the company then we will take legally action over you. and you to go to the jail. and he is troubling me mentally and blackmailing me .now i can not understand what to do ……..please shutdown such a fake company as soon as possible …these fake company’s target only student and student are trappped in the greed of money …..

Krishan Labana
Udaipur 313022, Rajasthan


    • Harsimran on 29/08/2018 at 4:14 pm

    Same problem is with me pls give a solution and tell us what to do they dont have official website official adress and no dp on even wtsapp etc what to do can anyone solve this problem ?

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