I was interviewed in a company named DM Linked. They call themselves as DM Linked which is not a registered company. We agreed on 31k as my salary p.m (which I got to know is the highest, the last high salary they were offering is 20k).
Till14 days my work was all good to them but suddenly on the very 14th day they called me in the night and told me that they are getting rejections for my work and exaggerated a lot and told me come down to 22k.
As a Content Writer, I have worked with brands like Presidium schools, Northern Railway and WisePhotons UK.
This shitty so-called company couldn’t have me proofs of the feedbacks and wrote on the email in inverted commas what the client said and told that some feedback’s were given on calls. To which I didn’t want to stretch and told them that I’d leave and they must pay my salary for 14 days and of course they agreed beautifully.
After two days of this conversation they had a word with their employees and scolded them for filling my ears with bad words for them as a company (by naming the employees) to which the employees went angry and started talking about my bad.
The company replied to them that they have fired me and I was begging them to work with them.
They called me and said that I came in the company for doing dirty politics and I must learn how to write.
And now, they are not paying me for my work.
If you’re reading this right now. Please do not go into this company. They are four people aged 20-21.
They do not know how to talk to anyone. They do not have funds. They call people interview them and after some days they tell them they are not doing good so that they leave and tell everyone that they have fired those people
Mrinalini Singh
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110063
Email: sxxxxxxxxx4@gmail.com
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