Complaint regarding fake job offer from Blint consultancy - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding fake job offer from Blint consultancy

After I loss my job I have posted my cv online. Then I got a call from Blint consultancy on 17.06.2020. One of his employee share the details of work with me and said it’s free of cost to join if you are unable to complete the work you have to pay the registration amount. After that he made a contract between the company and me. Then I started the work from 19.06.2020 in between the work due to some network issue I have locked my user ID and password. Then I contacted to the customer care of blint consultancy and said to pay Rs.8000(refundable) which was mentioned in the contract then I pay them Rs.8000 to activate my user id & password by phonepay. I completed my work on 23.06.2020 before the timeline. On 24.06.2020 I got call from them for payment of my remuneration but I failed to achieve the accuracy of 90% with few errors. Then they said me to pay Rs.21980(refundable) to purchase a auto correct panel in which all my errors will be correct and I will get all the amount. Again I pay them the asked amount by phonepay. After that they asked me to pay another Rs.19950(refundable) for currency exchange & for credit note I said I have not that much amount please give me some time they said if you will not do the same quick then your file will go for contract cancellation then I pay the asked amount after that I got a mail from them in which they written that my NOC for contract cancellation and asked me to pay Rs.25550 or else come to maharastra court then I afraid of this and sent them the asked amount after that they again charged me Rs. 37963 for Docket and proceeding fee and this time I have no money so I keep quite.
I paid them the total amount of Rs. 75480 with four slabs but here I attached the latest one.

NAYAGARH 752092, Odisha

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