Complaint regarding Data Entry Job site - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Data Entry Job site

As ForetellRealty people contacted me for Data Entry job, they asked me to deposit 2,750 Rs as Security deposit, then only I can start with the tasks of Data Entry (100 notepad files typing for 10,000 Rs).

I deposited 2750 Rs as Security deposit (which they said that after completing Task they will return it back to me) for to start Data Entry Job i.e. 100 notepad files typing in 6 days.
They gave me task on 17 May 2019 (late evening time) and I completed task within 6 days time i.e. 23 May 2019 (evening) still few minutes were remaining but i completed my task of typing 100 notepad files before time.

Then after 6 days 30 May 2019 i started calling them but they said please wait for 3-4 days more,
Then i called on 3 June 2019, then they started ignoring my calls. Even my Whatsapp messages, emails.
Now today is 12 June (more than 20 Days gone), still did not got refund of my money i.e. 2,750 Rs (Security Deposit) + 10,000 Rs (Task completion amount) = 12,750 Rs.

Please help me by getting my 12,750 Rs back

Vibha Jhawar
Hyderabad 500018, Telangana


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    • Jasbir on 09/04/2020 at 4:14 am

    I got a work for excel typing. They said each gorm will take 15 min.. Bit wen i started ot took me 2 hr for 1 form. Its impossible to complete in 5 days. Its a win win situation. If u know any hack . Please let me know

    • Rahul Dhaiya on 30/04/2020 at 6:50 pm

    They are fake, will not return your single penny.

    • Himanshu on 03/05/2020 at 1:52 pm

    Thanks for giving information it saved me ?

    • Naman m Jain on 09/05/2020 at 3:40 pm

    My my security amount is not refunded by them ppzz help

    • Shaurya Sharma on 25/12/2020 at 10:09 am

    This company had taken my security amount of 5200 as I have registered for excel work 2450 but due to some technical issue they were not able to provide me with work after that i have paid for typing work 2750 but at the end of the day they just vanish out without even giving me a single rupees.
    I would be glad if you can help me out with this in anyway you can please.

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