Complaint regarding fraud data entry job - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding fraud data entry job

Hey !!!! Guys I am a student from Odisha. I am a victim of this. ” GS SOLUTIONS , Boriyavi , Gujarat ” . First of all they mailed me and forced me to do the online data entry job. So I take the job and start doing. But after sometime of data entering , my I•D was deactivated automatically. Then they asked me to give 12000 ruppe,Then for activate my account I gave ?12000 money. They again demanding me ?4500. When I denied their so called advocate “AN ANSARI” demanding me ?50,000 or threatening me that they filed a case against me in Gujarat High court.

So please help me …

akhilesh mahapatra
Dhanupali, Sambalpur 768005, Odisha

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