Complaint regarding fraudulent data entry - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding fraudulent data entry

I registered for a company they said was orix enterprise for an offline typing job.I found this job online through google.when i registered i got a watsapp text from (72xxxxxxx7) this number.They gave me an agreement to sign which stated a lot of rules and regulations, the highlight being ‘if i am not able to complete the work or if there isnt a 90% accuracy i will have to pay them an amount of Rs.9700. They also asked me to pay an amount of Rs. 300 as a registration fees which i did to a paytm number(9xxxxxxxxx9)They also provided me with a bank account  number: ‘3xxxxxxxx6′
Name of the bank: State Bank Of India.
A content was sent through mail by them which made no sense.It was full of mistakes and scrap.They provided me with an help line number : ’72xxxxxxxxxxx9′ and an email id:’’
I contacted the helpline stating that the company was fruaud and he did not even bother to explain and disconnected the phone.I wasted 3 days straight typing the work.I atleast need my registration fees back.

Megha Tagore
ERNAKULAM 682503, Kerala

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