Complaint regarding Jawa bike servicing

Complaint regarding Jawa bike servicing

On 18th feb i faced starting issue in my bike so i approached RSA team they came and replaced my Battery on next day again i faced same issue at night 10pm so next day morning i again approached RSA Team they came and checked my bike but they cant resolve that issue so they informed towwing vehicle and went once the vehicle reached i loaded my bike and went to office but on that day itself i asked service station regarding my bike but they didnt atten my call after my continuous call they replied that we received your bike will check and update after a day i called again to know the current status of my bike but they didn’t atten my call for 2 days so i approached customer care after that our service team contacted me and said it will take 15 days to rectify your issue due to coil problem is not in stock again i called customer care to log a complaint on next day itself service center person called me and said need to change coil in your bike it will cost around 5000 rs i said kindly go ahead again they called me within a hour & said need to change RR unit also it will cost 2000 more i said ok kindly change it asap and handover my bike immediately again our service person called me and said need to change oil filter and gasket so overall cost will be 10000 rs again i said please change and send the invoice and handover the replaced spares to me on the same day evening they informed your bike got ready and collect it by today. so i asked to send the invoice to me i will come and collect it by tomorrow but they said once you came we will generate the invoice on next day i went there and paid the amount and came with my bike but that day itself my bike faced same issue so again i called service station but they didnt atten my call. so i informed the same to customer care but still nothing happens all waste of time and money no response from service Centre customer care and ASM also. they cheated me and my money also wasted am going by cab daily nearly 2 weeks am struggling need a solution immediately and need my amount back.

Chennai 600056, Tamil Nadu

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