Complaint regarding job offer from nova technology

Complaint regarding job offer from nova technology

I received a call from this nova technology for captcha typing job, they said I have to type 8000 captcha in 8 days and I will receive 18000 and if I’m not able to complete my work I have to pay 6700 as penalty. And they also signed an agreement saying same as above. And after that when they gave me the user I’d and password for there website I was not able to login . a message was there saying login from chrome and when I downloaded chrome and tried to login using chrome same message was there, I was not able to login and I contacted company through mail but there was no reply from there side, I also tried to call helpline number but there was no response. And now after 8 days a person is calling me saying that he is an advocate and company has filed case against me and I have to pay 10000

Dombivali 421201, Maharashtra


    • Siddhesh Babhulgaonkar on 05/06/2021 at 4:41 pm

    My complaint has been resolved.. Thanks a lot

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