Complaint regarding job offers from Bharat infotype - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding job offers from Bharat infotype

They send me the agreement which was fake as reviewed by many customers online and in that they wrote that if i do not complete the work i have to pay 4000 rupees. They used the name bharat info tech online but were actually bharat infotype. After that, i agreed and they send me password and login id. I filled 100 forms in a day but one of my colleague asked to me to search for genuinity for the site. I wasted my 5 hours for 100 forms and needed to complete 700 more that means 40 hours more.
On many consumer sathi websites there were many cases on the company about its fraud behaviour and I researched and that company had many cases pending near the same date as of mine. I left the company work and now they are threatening me for the legal notice.

kritika bhati
Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan


    • Keerthi Kotaru on 13/11/2019 at 1:02 pm

    Same happened with me also. Accidentally I have not checked the bad reviews the company had and I did finish the 800 forms work that was allotted to me by baharat Infotype. Now they are saying my work was not matching their 90% accuracy rule and they want me to pay 4000/- to them as penalty. I refused to pay a single rupee. And now they are saying they will sue me in the court. I have to pay 20,000+16,000 as penalty for default in the agreement. But my question is the agreement never said that the Bharat Infotype cannot or will not cut the penalty amount from the payment they make to us for filling those forms. I asked the legal department of Bharat Infotype to do so and they refused to do that. I don’t understand why?

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