Complaint regarding loans from Bajaj Finserv - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding loans from Bajaj Finserv

I called to Bajaj Fin Serve sales representative namely Sxxxl Sxxxxi on 10-01- 18 morning regarding loan requirement and requested him to meet personally for the same. He came to meet me on the same day 11:30 hrs. We had discussed my requirement at length and he agreed on following tabular matters proposed from my side to avail loan. Further, he demanded my documents required for loan as well as singed blank cheques (three) and loan requirement form. While asking, he said that to raise the query online and check your eligibility for loan amount, we were in need of these documents with your sign as per company policy. Further he said that i am collecting these documents now, so if u will confirm then u did not need or i may not require to visit you again for document collection. And if matter not finalized, i returned your documents back. The same time, I said that you please confirm the above agreed matters before initiate the process of sanctioning my loan and he also assured me for the same. However, on the same day evening, I have received a text message at 8:29 PM regarding sanctioning of my loan Application of Rs. 334750.00 at the interest rate of 15.99% and loan amount Rs. 313077.00 will be disbursed to your account within 72 hrs. As soon as i received the said message, immediately contacted the Sxxxl Sxxxxi and instructed him not to disburse the amount as it was not according to the terms and conditions he agreed upon. At the same time, I also sent e-mail to wecare[@] on 10-01-2018, 21:15 hrs regarding the same (enclosed doc 1). In spite of all these correspondence and communications, the loan was sanctioned and amount Rs.311056.00 (which should be Rs. 313077.00 as per text message) was credited to my account on 11-01- 2018 at around 12:00 pm. Afterwards, I rushed to Bajajfinserv Navsari (Gujarat) Branch office as well as contacted Mr.Sxxxxl Sxxxxi on phone but nobody were responded properly and I felt to be cheated in the said matter. Further, the whole matter was again brought to the notice of authorities of Bajaj Finserv through E-mail on 12-01-2018(enclosed doc 2) which was replied on 27-01- 2018 with request of further two days required to resolve the query (enclosed doc 3). Meanwhile, I also sent a email to Mr. Rxxxj Pxxxxxxh, Area Sales Manager of Navsari-Surat Region regarding the issue (enclosed doc 4) and made a multiple times telephonic talk to meet me but my all efforts went to the vein. I received the reply on 30-01- 2018 (enclosed doc 5) mentioning “We wish to inform you that? your loan has been processed as per the signed documents and mail confirmation for your loan, where all terms & conditions were informed to you. We request you to contact your Area Sales Manager or kindly visit our nearest Bajaj Finserv branch for clarification on loan.” But The same was already done by me as mentioned earlier. I feel that all the authorities and employees of Bajaj Finserv are involved in making this fraud and passing the responsibilities to each other’s and cheating me by saying false sentences.

suresh mavadiya
Vijalpore, Navsari 396450, Gujarat
Email: DxxxxxxxxxxxA@YAHOO.CO.IN

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