Complaint regarding no services provided by magicbricks

Complaint regarding no services provided by magicbricks

I have been requesting MagicBricks for a professional photoshoot since 9th of July which is included in the package but there has not been any photoshoot conducted yet and neither I have got verified tag on my property . It’s completely waste of my time and money  because after calling the customer agent today he is saying that there is no photoshoot available for your package inspite of paying for it . I would like to raise a refund issue as soon as possible due to lack of services provided .  After purchasing a package I had called them 4-5 times and they told me that they will schedule my photoshoot of the property but today they are denyiing that service and telling me to self verify my property . How can i self verify my property as i stay in different city .
Kindly address my complain as soon as possible .

Pune 411058, Maharashtra

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