Complaint regarding non delivery by - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding non delivery by

I have ordered a cycle by online payment method from the site on dated 23.07.2018
For this order i have paid Rs. 11228.78 by credit card with name of Mr. Axxxxr Hxxxxxn. They have confirmed the order and gave me an order number and said that the traking number will be sent on your mail id in 4 to 5 working days but when i have not received any tracking number i followed up them on mail all conversation attached for your reference.
In their T&C of delivery and shipping they have promised 15 to 20 days to delivered any product but 37 days passed away and still i am waiting for my product and now they are quit and not replying my any mail. I am helpless now. please help to resolve my issue.

Vakil Ahmed
Meerut 250001, Uttar Pradesh
Email: vxxxxxxxxxxd@ril.con

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