Complaint regarding non delivery by Corporate couriers - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding non delivery by Corporate couriers

My staff sent 2 couriers with Ayurvedic medicines, via corporate couriers, Vasco, Goa on 24th September 2018. One was sent to Pune, docket no. 101237678 and the 2nd was sent to Mumbai. Both parcels have not been delivered till now (3rd October 2018). We have called their head office in Panajim and offices in Vasco & margao too. None of them have any idea about where the parcel is and they are directing us from 1 office to the other. Their website is down and there is no way for us to track the parcel. The Vasco office has stopped attending my calls now?. I would like to file a consumer case. I have the receipts with me. Please help. It is a loss of my reputation and money both.

Prafullata Rajput
Ambeaxir, Salcete 403708, Goa

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