Complaint regarding non-refund of deposit by JIO Broadband

Complaint regarding non-refund of security deposit by JIO Broadband

I bought jio  broadbannd connection  for which i paid RS.1500 as deposit on 22 SEP ’21 on 3 month  trial offer. I returned th same on 4 OCT 21 . I was told deposit will refunded in 7-10 days.  I contacted the customer care  and i have been given this message
“We have already made a note of your concern and trying to resolve it on priority. You will receive the update soon. We appreciate your patience ”    repeatedly without any action for the past one month.
I wsa refunded RS.500 on 2nd NOV  and told rest will be refunded in  3-4 days.  One week has past yet my balance of RS.1000 has not been refunded yet.

NANGANALLUR 600061, Tamil Nadu

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