Complaint regarding online job fraud from Globus Infosolution - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding online job fraud from Globus Infosolution

sir, Globus infosolution contacted me and offered me a project called Cosmos Porject where i have to fill 1400 forms in 10 days and they will pay me salaryand  if i dont fill the form within time or i tried to fill it wrong on purpose i ll be held liable for 6500 rs.and they made me sign a promissory note which i ll be attvahing pdf in this complain.i think its fake because the company address does not exist that they have provided in the prmissory note..kindly help me as they have my adhaar card and signed Promissory note .kindly provide me right direction what to do.and what steps are to be taken as it seems to be a fraud.. please help me as soon as possible.i have sent an complain earlier too but it was not fully explained by me earlier.
Ferozpur cantt 152001, Punjab


    • Vikas on 11/11/2020 at 9:11 pm

    Sir Globus infosolution Contacted me and offered For Data Entry Job where I filled 1000 form within 7 days sir even I tried but I did not fill 1000 form in 7days than globus infosolution saying you did not complete your task therefore you have to pay 4700rs of company and say if you will not pay amounts then globus infosolution will take action by court sir plz help me give directions what will I do ?

    • Ashish on 13/11/2020 at 10:15 pm

    Bro the comapny is fake.. as i have confirmed from just dial there is no comapny at the given adress in whole gandhinagar more over the promisdary note is fake..dont take trntion jst dont answer their calls and emails. I think #cybercell should tale actions against it as they are makjng fools of the people..

    • Aswini Kumar Parida on 12/12/2020 at 10:53 pm

    Sir,I got offers from ‘Globus infonetic’ which has a webpage same as ‘globus infosolution’..I think they just copied it(but forgot to change instagram account link)..They have also same criterias..

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