Complaint regarding online purchase from goodlucksales

Complaint regarding online purchase from goodlucksales

I Purchased online which details are below-
i. “Multi Seed Commercial Oil Extraction Machine 8kg/hr, 600wx1 at ? 8341 and payment made through SBI Credit card  on 20.05.2021 with  the  website – Payu payment gateway is used by the seller to receive payment. Company Address: Good Luck Sales. Pimpari, Pune Maharashtra 411018, India.
Complain –  Seller asked to ship the above mentioned item on 22.05.2021 and to provide shipping details  but they could not provided shipping details on 22.05.2021. I tried about whole day today to contact them but unable to contact them over phone. I mailed so many times but no reply. I understand that I am cheated.  Before placing the order I contacted them and their reply was very polite and cool like other seller. I confused and cheated by them. Kindly investigate the matter and do needful though I may receive paid amount. The seller advertisement was also available on website on the date of purchase

GARHWA 822114, Jharkhand

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