Order placed on Azexon.com successfully through online payment but its not shipped and no sms or email sent. Value: 610. I placed an order on 12/12/2020 in Azexon.com online shopping corner which order number is #9560 and I successfully paid for it through online payment mode. But no any email or sms was received from Azexon.com. When I tried to contact with them its email and mobile number is inactive. I have no way to contact with them. So I want to place complaint against Azexon.com. Please take necessary action for refunding my money from Azexon.com.
JORHAT 785001, Assam
Email: axxxxxxxxx9@gmail.com
JORHAT 785001, Assam
Email: axxxxxxxxx9@gmail.com
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I purchased Amul cheese slice @ 87 at 16/12/2020 and paid online through Google pay. But I could not connect the merchant. Please help.
Why no update is available regarding my complaint?
We have already replied to you through email.
I purchased an item from azexon on 14/22/2020 but haven’t received the product with order reference number #11665
My order number # 11966 dated 15.12.2020 for Rs.1110/- paid online. But items not received. It’s a fraud site.
I have ordered Mivi Duopods M20 from awenza. Com and the Order ID is 1611574229450
I have received the wrong product. Please refund my money