Complaint regarding painting service from Nobroker

Complaint regarding painting service from Nobroker

On 20 April 2023, I booked No Broker paying them an advance of Rs 10703 to complete painting at 1st floor of my residence at Rohini, Delhi, with service terms to complete all painting works before the final payment and No Broker verbally said to start work on 21st April and complete in maximum 4 days but No Broker delayed start itself by 4 days until 25th April, kept saying they have no workers available.
No Broker worked inconsistently, bad quality & irregularly kept only one painter most of the time instead of three  their sales man promised at time of booking, they were absent clear two days and took 8 days with little progress and left abruptly saying they don’t want to continue and terminated painting voluntarily, despite when I asked them to continue to finish.
Most of the painting work remained unattended in all areas, when No Broker left without any indication of their intention suddenly on 2nd may afternoon, since then I have been contacting No Broker to listen my complaint and refund my advance money for breach of contract which they refused while their contract was to complete all works to my satisfaction, No Broker left, they asked more up front payment from me to restart the work.
I tried talking to No Broker several but their executive were not available, call back wasn’t arranged many times, No Broker were adamant not to give any consideration of my sufferings and expenditure as  they ignored all my Emails, and never replied one since last week of April 2023 and  only verbal discussion to confuse me and stopped receiving my calls as well, removed my account from their web site and they now  seem to have gobbled up advance of Rs 10,703 with grossly in complete the painting. They also demanded full payment before taking up works but looking at their standard and default, it would be a big risk to pay them more which was illegally asked by them breaching their own promise to complete painting first.
No Broker didn’t follow safety quide line, painting ISO quality standards and spoiled the walls at my residence as well as our house hold items with painting dust which they didn’t covered during cleaning, repair and painting spreading over whole area of my house.
No Broker put casual painter/ labour with no identity, changed them frequently, didn’t disclose the identity of workers working at my residence, so it was a quite a risk to allow them entry in house, as new person show up again and again, their supervisor visited occasionally, shouted at, misbehaved with and blamed us (me and my wife) several times during course but never cooperated, listened to our difficulties and problems faced by their un organised poor quality and haphazard works, making our simultaneous stay a hell. No Broker are unprofessional, they don’t follow fair business rules, industry practices and consumer law, as they asked me to pay full payment up front that’s not their company practice as well.
I  demand  from No Broker to pay me Rs 6400  which I had spent to complete the painting  at my residence, this was also communicated to them in my mail.
Rohini , Delhi 110085

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