Complaint regarding payment toMakemytrip through Mobikwik - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding payment toMakemytrip through Mobikwik

While booking ticket at makemytrip website, I selected Mobikwik payment wallet for payment. For this I transferred the payment from Hdfc credit card to Mobikwik wallet. Then while booking ticket, Mobikwik debited Rs 11395 and mentioned that this money has been transferd to makemytrip.

But I understand that makemy trip did not receive the money and as a result they didn’t book the ticket. Mobikwik team is repeatedly stating that they have taken the matter with makemytrip and will confirm within 7-10 days.

But my ticket was for 14th December and from y’day this ticket prices has increased more than 1000 per ticket. When I am asking Mobikwik why this is taking so much time, they shamelessly only repeating that it will take 7-10 days.

This for me is complete harassment as my entire trip is not at rre mercy of Mobikwik team. If the ticket has not been booked then whether Mobikwik team will ensure the tickets at the same price when I originally booked. I need immediate resolution of this issue as this complete harassment. When I am asking for any phone number where I can call and explain the situation, they are not bothered to provide any contact details.

I am totally helpless and suggest if you quickly take this issue with Mobikwik, I will get some mental relief.

Jogesh Jain
Kandivali East, Mumbai 400101, Maharashtra

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