Complaint regarding refund from Grand Tourio Holiday Solutions - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding refund from Grand Tourio Holiday Solutions

I was called for presentation by “Grand Tourio Holiday Solutions Pvt. Ltd” along with my wife at their Thane office on 20/05/2017. Presentation was given by Mr Kxxxn Nxxxxxxr and Mr. Axxxl Pxxxxl. There was a lengthy discussion and they were forcing hard to take a membership. I was telling that my budget does not permit to spend such a high amount. Then Mr. Axxxl Pxxxxl suggested to purchase a package of Rs.62500/- in which I shall be entitled for 6 Nos of 6N/7Ds holidays (Domestic) distributed over the period of 6 years and 2 Nos of free holidays for 2/4 person by paying TPC (Travelling premium Charges). Also un-availed holidays during any year can carried forward in next year. Even we can split the holiday and club the balance with holiday in next year. He also suggested that the holidays can be bought back and also put some other attractions such as free gift, free cinema tickets every month and so on. And International Holidays can be availed after payment of additional Rs. 62500/-. I took the membership forcibly in name of my Spouse by paying Rs.62500/- through credit card on 20/05/2017 vide Membership No. 999-111-667.

During first year of membership I was unable to avail Holiday due to personal problem and left hand of my wife got fractured for which treatment is still going on.

On 4th April 2018, I wrote a email to Grand Tourio that, I am member of “Grand Tourio” since 20th may 2017 having Membership No.999-111-667 (GT-1). Up till now I have not availed my holiday and it will not be possible to avail the same this year. I request you to carry forward this holiday of 6N/7D in next year in addition to holiday of 6N/7D due. On which Grand Tourio replied that, Dear sir, Greeting from GrandTourio…!!! Ok sir, Noted. Thanks & Regards, Dxxxxi.

Then on 27/05/2018, I wrote to them that, I am member since 20th may 2017 and I have not availed any holiday for 1st Year. I requested to carry forward the same in next year which was approved by you vide email Dated 5th April 2018. Now I wish to avail both the Holidays together total making 12 Nights/13 Days during this year. And asked to send Itinerary for the same. For which that as per the company norms we can provide you only 6 Nights at a time, for more nights you have to pay the remaining payment of membership amount.

I asked them to refund the amount paid by me if they cannot provide the service. But their reply is same. There is series of communication after that but all in vein. I have attached complete email correspondence in pdf format for your ready reference.

Thereafter I wrote to their Director/MD Mr Rxxxxh Kxxxl on 31/05/2018 & 01/06/2018 and all others, but not a single word is received from them.

Now I want refund of the money paid by me along with compensation.

Pushpa phirke
Panchpakhadi, Thane 400602, Maharashtra

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