Complaint regarding refund from Redbus post cancellation - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding refund from Redbus post cancellation

I had purchased a ticket from redbus,in Ticket id: TKD443902381 but due to some problem the travel plan got dropped. When I tried to cancel the ticket online, redbus system generated an error. I reported the matter to support@redbus,in and requested for refund. I received the complain id as :2672756 I also called the redbus call center ticket cancellation helpline number and told about the problem. I was told that they had initiated the ticket cancellation process and that my ticket would be refunded within 24 hours. For this the id given was 2672833. I had initiated the refund 4 days prior to the travel date. Till date I have not yet received the refund. I would be very thankful to you if you could kindly get me the refund.

Saibal Kumar Saha
Rabindrapally, Kolkata 700101, West Bengal

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