Complaint regarding Renalt Duster service and performance - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Renalt Duster service and performance

Renault Alwar has provided me a Duster car, which is breaking down very often. The same has been mailed to the co. many times and they always deliver me the vehicle with a promise that there will not be any fault further. I bought the vehicle on 31/03/2016 and in the last one & half year the vehicle has broken down for more than 6-7 times. Now again on 7/09/2017, the vehicle has broken down. I have been going through this mental agony and pain every day of being provided with at faulty vehicle. I belong to a middle class family and by saving every single penny since the day I joined the job I bought this vehicle and now I feel that all my hard earned money has gone in vain. Further Renault company has stopped responding to my mails. I can provide all the mail details, which have been, sent to the company. Renault being a MNC is taking thing to high headless and is not even bothered about the fact that the law still prevails in India and consumer will get the justice. Please help

ALWAR 301001, Rajasthan

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