Complaint regarding Samsung mobile service - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding Samsung mobile service

I have purchased a samsung mobile phone 2 years before and i suffer from a big problem of camera and samsung co.not resolve our problem and they talk with very bad behaviour and they misguide tha customer and i m very. upsate with my phone plz help me and case tha samsung company. very bad company

Naveen jain
ALWAR 301001, Rajasthan


    • Mallickarjuna AS on 17/10/2017 at 2:04 pm

    Samsung as far as the product service is concerned is a very sick company, they have worst service centers with respect to feedbacks, call etc. they have a office only to show off but when it comes to calling them on phone, either they don’t take calls or cut off, they do not have spares for Plasma TV, Note One and other devices. Their police is to sell only and expect service from them.

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