Complaint regarding Sansui washing machine servicing

Complaint regarding Sansui washing machine servicing

I brought a new Sansui washing machine on 6th May 2022 and its having product Warranty of 2 years, we havent used much hardly we have used 3-4 times and it started break and now its not working at all.

We have raised many complaints with the Sansui Team and we also followed up with the Flipkart team.

They are not able to fix or replace it and even the mechanic who used to see the problem as per them won’t work.

The Sansui team was not at all responding nor was the Flipkart team.

So let me know what I need to do to resolve this problem
1. They need to replace this not working item as it’s still under the guarantee/warranty period
2. They need to return my money

We are continuously in touch with Sansui Team they were passing time and probably they are thinking in terms to complete the warranty period, because we have started complaints from last year November month and still following with them without any proper solution nor resolution.

Please let me know what details do i need to provide from my end also am providing the invoice details

Kharagpur 721304, West Bengal
Email: MxxxxxxxxxR@GMAIL.COM

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