Complaint regarding SBI credit card CIBIL reporting - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding SBI credit card CIBIL reporting

This complaint is regarding cibil issue because of SBI credit card . Already I have closed SBI card but they are not updating my cibil in cibil score forum . Even through I have not done any transition till now . Everything has been settled over phone by calling to customer care but still SBI credit card persons are not taking any initiative to update the cibil score on cibil forum they are just getting benefit of cibil issue . Please help me here what I have to do several times I have applied different services but they are rejecting because of fake cibil by SBI . Every time they just simply saying your request no this and this to settle the cibil score Please help me here ..

Lingaraj nahak
Pune 411014, Maharashtra


    • SBI CARD on 20/01/2018 at 5:04 pm

    Dear Customer, we would love to get in touch with you and address your issue,request you to please mail us your contact detail or card detail at

    • SBI CARD on 20/01/2018 at 5:09 pm

    Dear Customer, We would love to get in touch with you and address the issue request you to please mail us your contact detail or card detail at mentioning refernce number 15413 in your mail.

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