Complaint regarding scam company Invensistechnology - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding scam company Invensistechnology

I have received a call form a call center on  24 june 2020 they said me that they will recuit me for the home based  data entry job . as i have posted my request on olx , they said me to send them my email id and a picture of my adhaar card then they sent me a link on my email id and said me to click on it an get myself register on that page a  100 rupee stamp paper was attached the the limited information and no terms and conditions on it  it was very clear and seemed to be  a trust worthy  company. they asked me to give my digital sign on the page .
after the registration they sent me  the  login id and password  to access the page , after i loged in the page i received a agreement paper  of the bond where the  company has edited and  attached my signature on it  and it contained all the terms and conditions and penalties  which was not present earlier .

I am enclosing the agreement paper when they had send me after registration

NAGRAKATA 735225, West Bengal

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