Complaint regarding account deactivation by BigBasket

Complaint regarding account deactivation by BigBasket

1. Delivery of Rotten and Expired Products:
On multiple occasions, BigBasket has delivered products that were either rotten, expired, or near the expiry date. Despite my repeated complaints and requests for replacements, the issue has persisted, demonstrating a gross negligence in quality control and customer service.
2. Account Deactivation Without Justification:
In response to my legitimate complaints regarding the substandard products, BigBasket has unjustly deactivated my account. This account contains sensitive bank account details and funds in the BigBasket wallet. The deactivation of my account without proper notice or explanation has prevented me from accessing my own funds, leading to further financial loss.
3. Defamation and False Accusations:
Adding insult to injury, BigBasket has accused me of “suspicious activities” and “misuse of policies.” These baseless and defamatory allegations have not only tarnished my reputation but have also caused considerable emotional distress. I categorically deny any such actions and demand that these accusations be retracted immediately.
4. Relief Sought: In light of the above, I demand the following relief:
Immediate reinstatement of my account with full access to my saved bank details and wallet funds.
A written apology from BigBasket for the defamatory statements made against me, along with a retraction of all false accusations.
Compensation for the financial loss and mental distress caused by the repeated delivery of expired products, unjust account deactivation, and defamatory statements.
A commitment from BigBasket to improve its quality control measures to ensure that such issues do not occur in the future.
Kolkata 700094, West Bengal

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