Complaint regarding setting Jiofi Password - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regarding setting Jiofi Password

I want to simply put a password for my Jiofi device. I followed the instruction given on their webiste which are to login to the portal jiofi.local.html and put the ID and password as “administrator” however what they carelessly ignore is that their portal DOES NOT accept “administrator” as userid and password. I have raised a complaint with their customer service over the phone as well as on the emails but they just do not respond.

It is just so surprising for me to know that such incorrect information is spread all over the internet and even with their employees and no one from their entire empire is willing to take effort to correct it or to get back with a reasonable response. Every time I speak to them it appears that they dont even know that their public portal has stopped functioning.

Can I get some help here, I really need to set up a password on my jiofi device.

Nidhi Thakur
GURUGRAM 122001, Haryana


    • shajeer on 01/09/2020 at 12:49 pm

    I think there is no any issue while connecting to the JioFi admin dashboard, just simple use “administrator” as both in login credentials such as username and password.

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