Complaint regarding Sharekhan Algo trading team services

Complaint regarding Sharekhan Algo trading team services

On 5th JULY 2021 I requested to activate my share broker SHARE KHAN Algo trading team to start computerized algorithm-based trading on my trading account, after that without intimating myself they started trading on my account on 8th JULY and again on 12th July 2021, in those 2days they lost INR: 2526 and 5151 respectively from my account and I realized that there is gap in their process, So (on the same day ) I requested them to stop/deactivate algo trading from my account.

On 13th July 2021, they replied on my mail that there was a technical gap in their system, and they will not take any furthermore trade without rectifying the gap, but they did not confirm about the deactivation till now. On 13th July I requested them why they used my money without back testing their system properly? And requested to return my incurred loss (2526+5151= 7677) but till now they neither confirmed about any return nor about the deactivation of algo system in my trading account.

In these situations, I am not able to keep all my money in my trading account and doing trading /transaction (as any time the auto process starts). Considering the same I request you to please intervene and help me to get back my lost INR: 76677/ and additional Rs: 1,00,000 as harassment (without information starting algo process + Without back testing and resolving all technical gaps using my money + After 7 days passed no confirmation of stopping algo trading is a kind of financial loss for as I am not able to trade properly) thus they will not do any such activity to any customer in future.
Note: I have all the evidences of technical gap which was not mentioned in the agreement and algo teams agreed concern of gap (Both)

KOLKATA 700086, West Bengal

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