Complaint regarding shopping scam on Instagram channel

Complaint regarding shopping scam on Instagram channel

I was scammed on instagram by an account claiming to provide an iphone and other gadgets at cheap rates. foolishly i got influenced and payed 24999. the person had provided a screenshot of the order and said it will be delivered on 8th and oth october 2023. on the day of the delivery on 8th i was not at home due to some personal reasons i got call from the amazon delivery service that my order was on hold had the payment method used was international and needed to be paid a charge to clear it. i informed the person about this and he called me in some time claiming that i had to pay them 21609 more for the delivery which will be refunded immediately after the delivery. foolishly i paid that too and after that he gave me fake details for the delivery and i never got the delivery as i tried to contact him he’s not replying to my messages and ignoring my calls

Mumbai 400031, Maharashtra


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