Complaint regarding the Pradee Queen Resorts Membership

Complaint regarding the Pradee Queen Resorts Membership

We have made the subscriptions for 31,000 on Pradee Queen Resorts. while they promised our stay and everything will be free for resort all over INDIA for 10 days. And they promised all  local site seeing cab is also free now. Now after subscribtion when we try to book ressort or stay , they are charge some amount as utility bill, which is equal to ressort price. for local cab they said its free of cost — now they are telling its for discounted price.. its a complete drama they have done by beautiful words. we were never given time to read all the terms and conditions we jsut trusted their words and signed the document.
Now they are showing the documents and denying that we already mention in terms and conditons. we spoke to them for 2 hours none of the word came like utility bills etc.. they said everything will be arranged free of cost.
We are unstatisfied with their service and when we requested to refund they just denied. So, please help us with getting Re-fund from them.
Vellore 635804, Tamil Nadu

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